Monday, 28 November 2016


Good Morning  

It is important to set realistic goals and believing in your own worth. 
Image result for being disabled will not stop me from my dreams


Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Be Optimistic

Allow your Mess not only to groom you as an individual but to be the Message to people who look up to you and who can learn from it. A positive life, Positive Future, Together we can work hand in hand to Enrich each Other's lives as a society.
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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Move forward

Good Day All

Move forward

If you not channelled in the correct path you are bound to lose yourself in the moment. Bad decisions are choices made under any influence which lead to regrets, time wastage and resentment. If you not happy with your life,change it no one will walk the tough road for you and get you what you want.
Image result for Some people have jobs but do not have passion for it, Some people have passion but do not have jobs.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


The number of times you fail do no determine your future, Plant your seed, water your plant and you will reap what you sow. It might not be today, the next day but your day will come. 

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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Obstacles are there to groom you not to break You

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When all hope is lost, You feel lonely and deserted. Pain is your comfort
tears, defeat, fear become your daily bread.

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 All troubles are not there to leave bruises, marks forever in your life
There's a reason for everything
It may have been dark, but slowly you are pulling through

You recovering.

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We all like the end results of our hard work

The dedication we have put in

The sweat, tears yes it was not easy but we made it 

Whatever storms you may have faced, whatever road you may have walked on

You have done it

You are a conquer

You are a winner  

Monday, 20 June 2016

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Bright Future

"You must be willing to do the things today other's don't do in order to have the things tomorrow other's wont have" Les Brown

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Pace yourself

We always plan ahead and when we fail, it becomes a mission impossible to make up for Our failures. While growing up, you are taught certain values and ethics mostly education is key. However sometimes you wonder,  Is it really a key when i need to work so hard to get to my dreams?, why do i really have to wake up and make ends meet while I’m just not getting anywhere. I picked up that we tend to make deadlines for our dreams while we don’t have control over everything, but there are certain things that we can control especially  what's on our mind, our hearts and what we feel. All I know is we can always pace ourselves in getting better and if we give ourselves a pat on the back for trying, that will be a great start. It is okay to relax while you working towards your dreams, but it's not okay to relax and not do anything while you are finding your feet and hustling. Let’s continue finding ourselves but let us not lose ourselves in the process. 

Friday, 19 February 2016

Be Grateful

We sometimes face obstacles that might seem impossible to get through, but we fight until we pull through and win. We always complain about our jobs, our living conditions, how we look, how imperfect we are but not getting the bigger picture,there are people who would do anything to be in our position. Are you grateful? Are you happy with yourself? If you are not happy, what have you done to change your current situation? and if you haven't done anything, how about you start working on it Now!!!!!!

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Where am  I headed?
                          Have I reached my destination?

Have I learnt From My Past Failures?

                                                    Am i winning? 

What can I do besides what I am doing now to uplift myself and other's in my Life?
Why Do I complain all the time, Have i tried to change my current situation?

The Big Question Here is????? 

        What Is Your Foundation- If You still dont have a foundation by now, You need to start now. You are a survivor, You will not give up not Now Not Ever!!!!

Image result for mine workers cartoons

Friday, 29 January 2016

Aspire to Inspire before you expire

Reaching for your dreams should never be an ending goal, It's helpful as well to lead by example not by opinions of other's or you not taking action of your own goals and not realizing your potential. 

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Rise Up

Be who you are, Stand for your dreams and Rise up. You are your own Warrior, Always note God made you beautiful to be who you are and not being afraid to live up to your own name and create a legacy. yes there will be challenges while climbing up but picking yourself up from your downfalls is a step ahead to being a very Big person.

To be there.