Monday, 31 December 2018


Yesterday while I was cleaning a thought hit me. I took a white dirty bucket from outside and looked at it and thought I could re-use it but firstly I had to wash it properly using detergents and steel wool to thoroughly clean it. I went ahead washed it properly but there were parts that still needed more attention of which I had errands to run so I decided to do it later. My bucket was partly cleaned which bothered me after coming back from the mall considering the time I spent to clean it at first. Before I left the mission was to get it cleaned and re-use it right! But after leaving my place my focus was getting the things I needed from the mall not the bucket.

Ok, I walk around and buy the stuff I need until I get home there’s the bucket still and then I thought let me just soak it in bleach maybe the stubborn spots will fade. Ok I do that, then I started cooking and packed for my trip. I ate and after I was done I looked at this bucket again I thought let me rather wash it get it over and done with before I go. So I do that My word! the end result was super impressive. I've never seen anyone so excited over cleaning a bucket in my life like I was lol honestly it felt good. 

Then I thought about this year there were many challenges presented to me and everybody else and we managed to pull through. No matter how dirty and hard the challenges faced we somehow handled it. I thought about the situations I couldn’t personally handle and needed somebody else to address me or walk with me on it.I needed detergents to get the bucket spotless clean meaning I need somebody else too to make me see my doings not neccesarily reprimand me but assist in directing me. I understand we all know we need each other regardless which raises a question what will it take for me to take notice or respect everyone the same?
 no matter how dirty or how they are? I also thought why is it difficult to focus on one thing and finish it instead of waiting and focusing on other things that I could do later. 

We set a limit due to all these wires connected to us that need to be connected to somehow suit our timing. Completing tasks in time is one of the many things I’m adapting to. I realised to me personally delays are led
by comfortability. I also asked myself will I be proud of comfort when I get to the age where I’ll need to retire, be at home, maybe I’ll then be a mother and wife. I then thought what values I will be instilling in my family and people around me.



Image result for completion

 Moral of the story

I washed a bucket and then decided afterwards to add something on my bucket list for 2019.

 I want to learn to complete my tasks in time and focus. 

I’m not seeking fame but merely making a name I’ll be proud off one day. 

 I am also not working hard to provide the best for my children but to provide best to my children what I never received best.

Hug someone today, shake someone’s hand or make someone’s day. It’s the last day of 2018. 

What do you have to lose?

#What is your foundation? 

Thursday, 27 December 2018


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mysteriously we all heading there.

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It's no burden but we getting there.

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Let's connect for Tomorrow.

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Image result for Light in a dark forest

Walk with me.

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Like you!

Like you I have visions and goals. 

Walk with me.

Do care for me. 

Open your heart

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Strange in your eyes but Like you I was created.

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Like you, I have a heart.

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                                       Like you, I have a heart. 


Image result for peace in our landMay peace be restored in our land.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018



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Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Be mindful

I understand we will never feel and see things the same way but being mindful doesn't require much from us. 

Good and bad things that happen are destined to be in our paths but bad attitude is not. 

I'm no life expert but a big part of me can't wait for the day we all treat each other respectfully the same regardless of status. 

If you are constantly disrespected, laughed at and constantly finding yourself in unpleasant situations I wish to give you the leap of faith of trusting in your creator. There is no bad situation with no solution.

You are never told you are Beautiful, Smart and Kind but you are. Believe it, feel it and be it. 

Repeat this after me" I am Kind, Smart and Beautiful" but being all these things doesn't make room for disrespect either correct!!

Accept, Understand and Most Importantly Respect. 

Love yourself and while you at it love others and be mindful too.

Our pasts either make us bitter or better. 

If I'm not mistaken 2 or 3 weeks ago A great man said You can never have two gifts but only one and You can never act in a different type of way and except people to follow you because of your status in society and at the same time get away with it However the onus lies in you to always being truthful, honourable and mindful regardless. 

Judge less, Understand More

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Sunday, 4 November 2018

Monday, 30 July 2018


"Our beliefs about what we are and what we can be, precisely determine what we can be"

Anthony Robbins.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


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If plan A didn't work out, Try Plan B, should It not work again try plan C If Not try D. There Is no guarantee too even after attempting all it'll work out . So Today it left me thinking about  how environments have an impact on us. I thought to myself there are parts of Town centrally where I would never ever walk due to safety reasons and there are parts of town where I can walk but with caution, Some I can walk freely.

I then reflected back to life I thought, There are people who you can be free around, To some you'll be cautious and to some you never will like being around. It then raised a thought How Many Are Free around Me?

#Be You
#Be Your own Foundation.

Thursday, 19 April 2018


Rome was not built in a day.


Sunday, 15 April 2018

Bear me

To me this picture speaks volumes I totally understand that we might not interpret it the same but I'd like to share with you how I Look at it. 
Both these two are relying on this branch to execute their mission. Their safety or lives depend on this branch. Should the branch break these two they are done for and they will not accomplish what they both wanted. 
They either both die when they fall or they could get hurt, scarred for life too or be paralysed. 
If the branch holds these two closely they will finish their  mission and they will both be happy. 

To me this picture the branch is a woman that holds a family together, be it an aunt, mother, step-mother or grandmother. 
I am a woman and maybe one day I'll have my own family, when I say family I don't only mean children I beared but children that aren't blood related to me too but the mere fact that they are children it's my duty as a mother to keep my family strong at all times. 

I say this because there are so many broken families and only due to small misunderstandings. 
Trust me I'm not even close to being perfect but I always want to be a strong branch that'll keep my family together instead of being apart. 
When one is unhappy you listen and give an honest opinion that'll bring the two together instead of causing a conflict that will damage not only your relationship with these two but disrupt everything in your household. 
I don't have to bear a child to be kind to one but I need to be open. I'm not saying I'll be a super parent either but I hope to be a strong branch for my family. 

Today make someone feel special a simple text, hug or kiss it might make their day. 
#Tick Tock
#What is your foundation?

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


Being able means I can concur anything, Being able means I can hit 2 birds with one stone.
Being able means I'm normal, means I can fit in right?

However I then stop to Ask what does being dis-abled mean?

Being dis-abled means I rely on other's to somehow assist me or if not I rely on something or someone to do what i need right?
Being dis-abled means sometimes I need to be cautious at all times right? Maybe!

 And then I realize I may be considered fully capable but Am I really, I personally believe I am disabled because I still need someone or something to help me move or get to my destination. If I was abled I could fly to meetings, classes or anywhere however I still can't I still need petrol, transport money and taxi to get to my destination. And then I ask myself am I abled or dis-abled? I still need to work to earn the same money that'll take me to wherever instead of just producing my own if I was abled right?

To get far in life we need each other, To get ahead you need someone or something and to be considerate one does not need any qualification or experience. I have one word for it"Kindness".

My name is Norma Ntimbane,I guess I am dis-abled. Question is Are you abled or not?

#Tick Tock
#What is your Foundation?

Friday, 6 April 2018


     What you work hard for is worth everything. Your sweat, tears and hardships will be a big reminder of what you've gone through. Some will tell you to let go and never put themselves in your shoes, some will call it mediocre and some will walk with you every step of the way. 

Victory is an achievement that deserves a lifetime celebration and victory is you Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela. 

Saturday, 24 March 2018


To bring change one has to act, one has to be alert and one has to be realistic.To some change is constant fear stoping them from growing, learning and moving. To some change is good to try out different methods and to some change is just not enough.

It all starts with taking a mirror and reflecting back on what the person is really seeing infront of them. To me once you change for your own good that's a refresher, start and something to work with/on.

We all wake up late and we can't go back to fix what has been done and we constantly beat ourselves up for it after sometime. Realising late our past errors is on it's own a big problem but working on our errors in time is a huge step to a positive life and growth. Which in my own opinion i believe change is good. What is change to you? What does it mean to you?

Mistakes to me are mis-takes in going forward I guess it depends on how you look at it.
 Are you continuously making mis-takes? Or changing your path?

#Tick Tock
#What is your Foundation?

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Bad energy

When you release bad energy you welcome a greater new you.
Allowing growth, optimism and a better future to look forward too.
No road is smooth sailing but it's the effortless fights that bring out the best in us.

#Tick Tock Foundation
What is your foundation?

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Let your vision pull you.

We somehow forget our own strong capabilities and focus more on the bad side. Someone asked me today Why did i start this foundation? My answer was to help myself get better and focus more on the good things I've done instead of bad. My focus was to build a foundation that focused more on what's inside then out. My focus was to assist people that have made bad choices, to motivate and to assist direct people in a career they are mostly passionate about.

No one is perfect and I am one of those people that have traveled a journey of discovery. I allowed myself to correct and realize my capabilities. This initiative is to help The youth, young children and the elderly too to look back and correct situations handled badly and changing them into positive. Instilling optimism,instilling good ethics and values to the young one's and Change for the elderly.

By so in doing, we can engage in conversations that will be beneficial to us all. Shading/Judging each other does not bring any change but its only a matter of same patterns but different day not realising a day lost can never be replaced, can have back etc. Be the change you want to see and to people around you.

A lot of questions arise especially when one speaks of change.
How do we then do it?
Where do we do it?
What's the turnover?
Will we see different results? And by when?

Only an individual can best describe who and what they are.
Allow the vision to pull you and believe it will happen.

You do nothing, then expect no change.

To be there.