Thursday, 15 February 2018

Let your vision pull you.

We somehow forget our own strong capabilities and focus more on the bad side. Someone asked me today Why did i start this foundation? My answer was to help myself get better and focus more on the good things I've done instead of bad. My focus was to build a foundation that focused more on what's inside then out. My focus was to assist people that have made bad choices, to motivate and to assist direct people in a career they are mostly passionate about.

No one is perfect and I am one of those people that have traveled a journey of discovery. I allowed myself to correct and realize my capabilities. This initiative is to help The youth, young children and the elderly too to look back and correct situations handled badly and changing them into positive. Instilling optimism,instilling good ethics and values to the young one's and Change for the elderly.

By so in doing, we can engage in conversations that will be beneficial to us all. Shading/Judging each other does not bring any change but its only a matter of same patterns but different day not realising a day lost can never be replaced, can have back etc. Be the change you want to see and to people around you.

A lot of questions arise especially when one speaks of change.
How do we then do it?
Where do we do it?
What's the turnover?
Will we see different results? And by when?

Only an individual can best describe who and what they are.
Allow the vision to pull you and believe it will happen.

You do nothing, then expect no change.

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To be there.