Monday, 7 January 2019

Harmony within.

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With all obstacles you have and had look deep and identify the one tool that has carried you thus far.

You are loved.

You are a star.

You are amazing. Believe it

Let's connect for a better tomorrow, lets build and bring light.

Trust it's no burden however we are getting there.

Let's embrace leadership bestowed upon us.

Let's allow humanity to take it course and walk together,be there and do care.

Even in the midst of it all where revelations lie allow growth.

If you are never told enough you are loved. I'd like to tell you I Love You may the tool that patiently waits for you in a dry place and brings harvest in your life bring you peace like it has for me.

May harmony start from within to continue for many years.

I am no life expert, not perfect either but each day my tool provides.

In my mother tongue we say Izandla Ziyagezana.

Image result for praying emoji

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To be there.