Unfortunately we have to go through obstacles which are not pleasant and they'll never be but there are reasons for being tested. It might look like there's no hope for you when there is. Faith is one of the strongest tool a person can carry with them or have. Faith can never be broken easily if one believes. By starting today to believe and not allowing your challenges to pull you down you will conquer. At the end of the day if not you to struggle then who? We always look at the obstacles we face as permanent situations when they are not, we make them our daily bread when they aren't, we have scars we don't even try to heal day by day, step by step always hoping for a quick fix. It's like when you have an anxiety over something yes you might try to work on it but fact is it won't be cured but can manage it. My question are to you, why is it when we face challenges we can't manage them?, Why when it seems like all hope is lost we lose it? Why are we so afraid of change? There are so many questions we really need to direct to ourselves that i know we can't handle.
If things aren't not going our way we cry, point fingers,petty and don't work on them Why?. The most unfortunate part about not dealing with our issues is when we, we'll fall hard, depression strikes and all sorts of sicknesses relating to stress and when they do guess what? You'll fall so hard that you will feel the bruises, land hard which is why sometimes when some people go through pain they commit suicide. I want you to take a hard look before you start pointing finger's because it can't be that you are always left by your partner's when you are in relationships, you hoop from one job to the other because the boss/ manager does not like you, your neighbor is jealous of you, people talk about you, people walk away or spread out when you coming their direction Why? What's the matter with you? what have you done about it? Why are you not prospering?
I'm sure most of us have answered according to what we think and feel right? Life is not always about what and how we see things sometimes it's what people see from us as well which determines their behavior towards us. Yes you do find people that are modest, kind and sweet but why are they always taken for a ride it's because they allow it, you are so kind that you can't disappoint why?You find cold hearted people that do not care, do as they please and when they look around them they don't have anyone.You find people that are so deceitful to a point where they even forget their own lies and little schemes and when they look around there's no one around them why? because they are not trustworthy, create drama and mischief yet they want to be loved.Which then boils down to some of the many challenges we face and forget we created them for ourselves. Some yes were destined to be in our paths but what do we intend to do about them? I'm not a judge nor are you but together we can help one another.
In life you will always find all types of people and if you still believe that you are always right, youwalking in the wrong direction my friend.
Change your ways and you shall reap what you sow
Tick Tock- Where is Your foundation?
Good Morning All